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Advertisement Analysis

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Advertisement Analysis


September 12, 2023


American University

In this assignment, I was tasked with selected a color and finding three advertisements that utilized the color I chose. In my analysis, I had to determine whether the use of the color I chose was effective in the ad and how design principles were used in the ads as well.

This ad utilizes the design principles of contrast, alignment, and texture. The contrast between the purple background and the white text makes it easy to read and differentiates the information from the subject lying on the mattress. The ad is visually pleasing because the text is aligned on the left, making it satisfying to read. Texture is also surprising utilized in this ad with the texture of the purple mattress being used as a backdrop for the subject. The texture makes for an eye-catching hook, the contrast is effective in allowing the reader to see the text and the alignment makes the information satisfying to look at. Overall, this ad is effective but has an unusual bit of space on the right side of the ad above the logo. I would change the placement of the subject to fix this problem.

This ad utilizes the design principles of alignment, proximity, and lines or invisible line. Line is the most prominent design principle in this ad due to the invisible lines being drawn from the boxing gloves towards the lower right and left corners of the ad (the parts that hold the valuable information). It directs the direction of the viewer’s eye in a subconscious way, and it works well. Alignment is used to organize the information at the bottom left corner of the screen and text is centered at the top too. The change in alignment makes both chunks of text stand out in their own way. The text at the top being a paler gray also signals to the viewer that it’s not as important and the striking black text at the bottom. Proximity also communicates that the text at the bottom is connected and important, as it is closest to the product the ad is trying to sell. The proximity of the picture of the product and the text on the left creates a relationship between them.

This advertisement utilizes the basic design principles of alignment, texture, line, and color. Immediately, I dislike the placement of the white vertical text as it draws my eyes away from the main eye-catching subject in the middle of the ad. Conversely, I think the alignment at the bottom of the advertisement is effective because it guides the eye naturally to social media information and the logo. The texture around the subject in the middle creates a visually interesting effect and connects the subject to the product being sold. The colors work well in this advertisement because the vivid green contrasts nicely against the deep purple and draws the eye to the “charging” and “energy” the text in the ad is referring to. The subject is creating a line with their outstretched leg that compliments the space being taken up by the product in a satisfying way. The ad is generally visually pleasing, and both the product and text stand out, except for the text on the left side of the ad that stands out in a negative way, drawing attention from the product.

This ad utilizes the basic design elements of proximity, alignment, and color. Purple plays a large role in communicating the overall mood and content of this ad. Purple is a darker, cooler, relaxing color which perfectly describes the Vicks product. Purple also signifies a feeling of calm. Proximity and alignment play a vital role in visually organizing the various bits of text on the advertisement. Although the alignment is successful in organizing the information, I feel as though the proximity could be more thoughtful in connecting the information to each other and establish more of a relationship between the text and the very top and bottom of the screen. The logo also feels as if it’s a bit out of place where it is currently.

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